Preferred Learning Styles of Medical and Physiotherapy Students
Learning styles are the ways students learn, intake and process new information. The contribution of learning styles for educational quality is evident and have important implications to develop effective curricula. This study was conducted to find out the preferred learning styles of medical and physiotherapy students. For details visit
Rahila Nizami
9/24/20243 min read
Learning styles are the ways students learn, intake and process new information. Generally students have diverse types of learning styles and it is not possible to fix a better learning style. This diversity is related with ethnicity, culture, age, experience, environment and knowledge level of the learners. Research Studies draw different conclusions about the learning styles. It is important to understand the learning style of students as the learning styles of teachers and students are not the same. The contribution of learning styles for educational quality is evident and have important implications to develop effective curricula. Some researchers point out that learning styles, teaching styles and assessment are interlinked with each other.
Teachers can effectively plan instructional strategies and relevant activities if they know the learning styles of students. Similarly the knowledge of learning styles will help the teachers to solve the learning problems of the learners. Quality of learning process can easily be enhanced by matching the learning styles of students with the teaching methodology adopted by the faculty members. As a result the students will become more confident to manage their learning in the classes. The understanding of personal learning style is also necessary for self directed and life long learning. Keeping in mind the above mentioned scenario, this study was conducted to find out the preferred learning style of the MBBS and DPT students at Azra Naheed Medical College Lahore.
This was an observational, cross sectional study, conducted at Azra Naheed Medical College Lahore from January to May 2014. Using the non probability, convenient technique of sampling, the students of 3rd year MBBS class and 6th semester DPT class were invited to participate in this study. Honey and Muffard Learning Style Questionnaire (LSQ) was used to assess the preferred learning styles of both groups. Other than the questions of Honey and Muffard Learning style questionnaire (LSQ) the students were also asked to provide the data regarding age, gender, previous education, education of parents and family residential status. The two groups were approached separately in a lecture halls. After taking the consent, the authors explained the purpose and objective of the study.
The format of the Learning Style Questionnaire (LSQ) was explained and different queries raised by the participants were clarified. The participants were given 30 minutes time to fill this questionnaire. The data collected from 120 participants was organised in two groups of 60 MBBS and 60 DPT students. Each questionnaire was analysed to find out the preferred learning style of individual student. The data was categorised into four learning styles described by Honey and Muffard. A fifth category of two or more than two learning styles was also created. This data was entered in statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version. Preferred learning styles of both study groups were presented in the form of frequencies and percentages.
Based on the experiential learning theory, four types of learners were identified. Activist is a person who, enjoys new experiences, and tends to make decisions intuitively, but dislikes structured procedures. Theorist focuses on ideas, logic and systematic planning, but are mistrustful of intuition and emotional involvement. Pragmatist likes practicality, down-to-earth approaches, group work, debate and risk-taking but tends to avoid reflection and deep levels of understanding. Reflector observes and describes processes, try to predict outcomes and focus on reflecting and trying to under-stand meaning. Honey and Mumford (1995) claimed that an individual tends to rely naturally on one of these approaches when they are engaged in learning or other task activities. The result of this research shows that reflector is the preferred learning styles in both the study groups. However all the learning styles are present (in variable proportion) in both the study groups.
The presence of all the four learning styles in a class shows that the use of single teaching methodology is not suitable for the entire class. The preferred learning style should be kept in mind while designing the teaching and learning activities. Reflector as the preferred learning style in both the groups in this study differs from the result of another study at army medical college Rawalpindi which shows that undergraduates are predominately activist and postgraduate are reflectors. The results of another study represent that post-graduate residents of paediatrics are predominately reflectors. The data to compare these results is deficient among the medical students but the non medical students and professionals are mostly reflectors and pragmatists. This study shows that the Honey and Muf-ford Learning style Questionnaire (LSQ) can be used effectively to map the learning style of a class and to design instructional strategy accordingly. The study provides a learning style guidance for MBBS, DPT students and teachers.
Medical students have different learning styles and require versatile instructional and assessment strategies. Preferred learning style of medical and physio-therapy students found in this study is reflector, how-ever all the learning styles are present in both groups. There is a growing need to study the preferred learning styles of medical students in Pakistan so that the faculty members can design matching learning activities. It will definitely help to improve the learning process and its outcome.